When it is necessary to push
code to the Orabuntu-LXC github branch "to-lxd" repository (or any other non-master branch), first copy the
id_rsa.pub to the github security if you have not done so already in the GPG and SSH key settings. Then clone the
branch as shown below. ubuntu@u20sv7:~/Downloads$ git clone -b to-lxd git@github.com:gstanden/orabuntu-lxc.git Cloning into 'orabuntu-lxc'... remote: Enumerating objects: 90, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (90/90), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (63/63), done. remote: Total 6848 (delta 47), reused 53 (delta 25), pack-reused 6758 Receiving objects: 100% (6848/6848), 3.40 MiB | 1.98 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (5380/5380), done. ubuntu@u20sv7:~/Downloads$ Change directory into the branch and verify that you are actually in the correct branch (in this case "to-lxd") as shown below. Be sure you are in the right branch before pushing changes to origin at github (in this case branch to-lxd shown in red). ubuntu@u20sv7:~/Downloads$ cd orabuntu-lxc ubuntu@u20sv7:~/Downloads/orabuntu-lxc$ git branch * to-lxd ubuntu@u20sv7:~/Downloads/orabuntu-lxc$ Configure user.name and user.email in git local. ubuntu@olxd-1:~/Downloads/orabuntu-lxc$ *** Please tell me who you are. Run git config --global user.email "you@example.com" git config --global user.name "Your Name" to set your account's default identity. Omit --global to set the identity only in this repository. fatal: unable to auto-detect email address (got 'ubuntu@olxd-1.(none)') ubuntu@olxd-1:~/Downloads/orabuntu-lxc$ git config --global user.name zzzzzzzzz ubuntu@olxd-1:~/Downloads/orabuntu-lxc$ git config --global user.email "xxxxxxxxxxxxx@yyyyyyy.com" ubuntu@olxd-1:~/Downloads/orabuntu-lxc$ Add and commit the changes to github as shown below. ubuntu@u20sv7:~/Downloads/orabuntu-lxc$ git add . ubuntu@u20sv7:~/Downloads/orabuntu-lxc$ git commit -m "v7.0.0-beta AMIDE" [to-lxd 06395c7] v7.0.0-beta AMIDE 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) ubuntu@u20sv7:~/Downloads/orabuntu-lxc$ git push origin to-lxd Enumerating objects: 3, done. Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done. Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done. Writing objects: 100% (2/2), 268 bytes | 268.00 KiB/s, done. Total 2 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0) remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (1/1), completed with 1 local object. To github.com:gstanden/orabuntu-lxc.git 118d8e9..06395c7 to-lxd -> to-lxd ubuntu@u20sv7:~/Downloads/orabuntu-lxc$ Push the changes to the branch (in this case "to-lxd" branch) as shown below. ubuntu@olxd-1:~/Downloads/orabuntu-lxc$ git push origin to-lxd Enumerating objects: 7, done. Counting objects: 100% (7/7), done. Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done. Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 387 bytes | 387.00 KiB/s, done. Total 4 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0) remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (3/3), completed with 3 local objects. To github.com:gstanden/orabuntu-lxc.git b9aed08..2c9f3c2 to-lxd -> to-lxd ubuntu@olxd-1:~/Downloads/orabuntu-lxc$ If you get a prompt for your github username and password when you try to push branch updates to origin, it probably means your git remote url need to be set to the correct one first as shown below.
Then login to github and check that the push has been successful. |
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